Back up heaters for solar heaters
Solar Water Heaters have only one handicap that during no Sunshine days there may not be enough Hot water for usage. Kraftwork incorporates the following back up systems to take care of this eventuality. These systems also can be installed without solar collectors as stand-alone systems wherever it is not feasible to fix up collectors for want of space, clear sky etc.
a)Electric Heaters.
b)Gas Geysers.
c)Heat Pumps
Electric Heaters
Immersion type electric heaters can be fixed on the main calorifier tank or on auxiliary small tank positioned in series with the main tank.
Gas Geysers
Individual high performance gas geysers connected through plumbing lines, circulation pump and automatic temperature controller to the calorifier tank. An auxiliary tank can also be used in series with the main calorifier tank. Yellowstone 8 lit./ min gas geysers are used in two to four in one tank. Details…
Heat Pumps
The heat pumps work on the principle of reverse carnot reverse cycle principle with a compressor and heat transfer fluid. The heat from the atmosphere is transferred to the water using the compressor and heat exchanger. The power requirement is reduced to 30% of that being used by electric heaters. The heat pump receives the water from the calorifier tank and send back water at 55 deg. C to the tank. The storage tank is an insulated tank which can be the same as the solar calorifier tank or an auxiliary tank.
The pricing for these products start at Rs 90,000 and can go above Rs 10,00,000 depending on capacity, features and requirements. Kindly contact us at [email protected] for detailed custom pricing.